I would like to share one thought. Plan what you want to do and enjoy what have you planned. Look forward to what you want to do. Do it and smile.

You may plan to play and be with someone. And this one may change his or her mind and be without a good mood or even disgusting. Nevermind, your immediate task is continuing in your planned activity and enjoying it. Maybe alone, but enjoying it. Do not let drag yourself down.

Don’t be influenced by others views. Their mood is not your mood. Only on you depends if you accept a bad attitude. And (just my opinion) you are not obliged to be the same. You are required to make your life with as less stress as possible. Just enjoy what you are doing and don’t get poisoned.

Photography this week – the man is probably photographing something in the window. Something what he likes, something what he enjoys?

This post follows week 44 – Surprise. Project 52 on streets in 2018 continues.

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