Our world has changed immensely in the last few weeks but amid the upheaval and distress, there are reasons to believe we can emerge from the crisis with some human qualities enhanced.

First, we are obliged to handle the crises and suppress transmission of the coronavirus. But this is only the very first step that should be followed by stopping devastation of social and economic areas affected by the crises. And last but not least, we must recover better.

It is time, time to slow down and think. To think about important topics for which there is so little time in usual times. There is time for spending more time with loved ones. It is time for walking and spending time in nature instead of shopping. And even during shopping, we can save our time for reasonable activities – we have to think before, make an order and pick up it. That’s it. Easy.

On the other hand, respirators or veils are tiring. Tough to breathe, especially now when weather is warmer. It is annoying to limit ourselfs in socializing with others. Distancing, cancelling events etc. sucks.

Among the darkness, there are also opportunities. Like during war times, pandemic is the inspiration and great source for innovation. If we take it the right way.

And some, apparently counted on the fingers of one hand, benefits 🙂

Photographers may also take all this as a opportunity. To make photos which will speak about these times in near of far.

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