The third week of “2024 Xmas is almost here” is also behind us. We are approaching the deadline. Be ready. Soon!
ADVENT 15 (Flying angels) … This was the very first case of advent markets done well, tastefully, interesting and not only go-buy-pay (2024/12/14).
ADVENT 16 (Well spent time) … Rest. Do what is needed. But find time for being relaxed, with your friends, in a good mood (2024/12/15).
ADVENT 17 (Home. Back to Christmas.) … In the dark, getting back to lights (2024/12/16).
ADVENT 18 (This not THE Xmas tree) … This is not Christmas tree. Or do you see any present below it? (2024/12/17).
ADVENT 19 (Plenty of joy) … Biscuit, tea and lots of joy and good mood (2024/12/18).
ADVENT 20 (Coffee and Xmas) … There’s still work to be done. However, I decided to have a coffee afternoon (2024/12/19).
ADVENT 21 (Last Friday) … End of week three. I am still enjoying detachment from pieces of my life (2024/12/20).